A sudden change happens when entering my room. The whole atmosphere drastically changes from an organized house to a mismatched bedroom. The sent of old lavender perfume and vanilla candles fill your nose. It feels as if the heater has been going all day. However, the window is slightly cracked, allowing a fresh cool breeze flow through the air, and swiftly crossing your face. While looking around the room, you notice the walls. They are covered in signatures, drawings, and paintings. To the right, the wall is all colored in with bright, vibrant pictures of everything from flowers and trees, to cities and dragons. On the left, the wall is crammed with signatures going in all different directions. Straight ahead, a wall is filled with tons of smiling faces that are showed within the pictures of memories that leaves no more of the white wall showing. Walking further in, you feel something under your feet. The floor is barely showing, due to all of the clothes scattered across the ground. Neatly made up of six pillows, three blankets, and a soft teddy bear, lays a queen sized bed placed to the right of the window. Next to the bed is a white antique nightstand along with a matching dresser. Located on the opposite wall, a computer desk is tightly fit inside the closet. Lovely white and red roses sit on the desk next to the computer, filling a nice aroma in that area. If you listen closely, you can sometimes hear drum beats sneaking through the window coming from the house next door. Still, you will always hear the trickling

sound of water splashing through the fish tank sitting on top of the dresser, which gives this room a more calming feeling when you close your eyes to go to sleep.
To the right: Me and a friend of mine
in front of one of my walls
hi jesica, Hopefully you know where everything is in your room .